Sunday, March 4, 2007

The Moon and the Voice...

The thunder screams, the rain wets the freeway...
I don't know where she goes, where she leads...
But I can feel her coming closer, all the time...
All the while, the road beckons and shines...

The moon is hiding, the clouds rumble above...
I thought I was riding alone, but now i am not sure...
I hear a call, someone calls me, pleads me to stop...
I can't, I don't stop, am too far away along...

The rain stops, it heeds the call of fate...
I don't, am I making a mistake...
Should I not choose my own path, my destiny...
A second later, the moon smiles again and says...
My child, the road you take is your destiny...
It's coming closer, your fate...
Welcome it, it is here to stay...

I hear the voice behind me again...
All lies, all tis false, the moon is naive...
I am your fate, and I am always behind you...
Come here boy, come near, kiss me...
I am here for you, always...
Am not so kind,but I love you all the same..

Blogged with Flock

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